Emanuel Ringers

The Emanuel Ringers is part of the music ministry from Emanuel Lutheran Church in Pleasantville, New York. This handbell group is comprised of ringers ranging from 8 and up. We ring on 5 octaves of Schulmerich handbells and 7 octaves of Malmark handchimes. We welcome all who want to learn how to ring, you do not have to be a member of the church to participate. Contact Eiko at emanuelringers@gmail.com for more information about our Music Ministry at Emanuel

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Annual Concert Great Success!

Our Annual June concert was held the first Sunday of the month - and it was quite a success. Great music by all 5 of our choirs plus some alumni! Four high school seniors were recognized for their contribution to the bell program, Jonathan who was only with us a year was a great addition to our group this year. He will be graduating from Ossining HS and headed to May- wood University in Scranton, PA. Ashley, Kimberly and Jessie have all rang in the bell program for 10 years. Not only were they ringers but they also directed the choirs this year. Jessie was co director with me for the ERII's and ERIII's while Kimberly and Ashley directed the ERIV's. Their leadership will be missed. Ashley will be graduating from Ossining as well and headed to Syracuse University. Kimberly will be graduating from Croton Harmon HS headed to University of Harford and Jessie from Pleasantville HS going to University of New Haven. We wish them the best and thank them all for their time and commitment to the Emanuel's Handbell program.
Before the senior's head off to their colleges - we will be making our trip to Ireland and England. We con- tinue to have rehearsal throughout the month of June and will have 3 night rehearsals before we leave on Wednesday, July 18, 19, and 20th. The rehearsals will be open so if you want to hear what the ringers are doing on tour and at the symposium, please come by anytime during our rehearsal which will run from 6:45 to 8:45 PM those 3 evenings. The ringers will also be ringing at service on Sunday morning, July 22. We will leave the following Monday, July 23rd. You can follow us on the blog which can be found through the link Emanuel's website or directly emanuelringers.blogspot.com.
Thank you to everyone who has supported us along the way - we ask for your continued prayers for a success- ful and meaningful trip for all the participants. There will be 20 of us from Emanuel going and 14 from Katonah Presbyterian Church - We are looking forward to our trip and by the time the digest comes out - it will be less than a month before we go!
Bells will begin again September! If your child is entering 3rd grade or any grade higher and are interested in ringing handbells - please contact Eiko for more info - eikosc@hotmail.com. We welcome all who want to try it!

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